This Sister Wives Star Is Starting To Act Just As Self-Centered As Kody Brown

Sister Wives star Kody Brown has always been the most self-centered family member, but someone else may be coming for his top spot, according to fans.

  • Sister Wives star Kody Brown has long been known for his self-centeredness, but his child Mykelti may be surpassing him with her recent attention-seeking actions.
  •  Mykelti’s close relationship with Robyn and Kody has drawn criticism from fans who feel she is being a “huge kiss a**” and playing both sides.
  •  Mykelti’s actions, such as announcing her pregnancy during Christine’s birthday, show a lack of sensitivity and hint at her own self-centered tendencies.

Sister Wives star Kody Brown has been the most self-centered person in the Brown family for a long time, but one of his children may be surpassing his level with their most recent actions. While Kody has been spending the majority of Sister Wives season 18 trying to reconcile his relationship with Janelle Brown after having a bad fight, his other wives Robyn Brown and Meri Brown have both been considering their relationships as well. Christine Brown, who chose to leave Kody during Sister Wives season 17, has been focused on finding her independent self and reconnecting with her children, including Mykelti Padron and her husband, after moving to Utah.

Though she’s close with Christine, Mykelti has always had a soft-spot for Robyn and Kody, which some Sister Wives fans have noticed makes her more self-centered. Being one of 18, Mykelti definitely didn’t get her fair share of attention as a child. It’s clear she’s looking for it now with her recent pregnancy announcement on Sister Wives. According to Reddit user Liza417“I get that she probably didn’t get much attention as a child but she’s really coming off as a HUGE kiss a** to Robyn and Kody and there is NO DOUBT she’s playing both sides.”

Mykelti Brown’s Actions On Sister Wives Explained

Mykelti Brown and Kody Brown from Sister Wives looking serious

During Sister Wives season 18, episode 12, Mykelti announced her pregnancy during Christine’s 50th birthday. While Christine was excited about the announcement and looking forward to sharing the news with the rest of the family, Mykelti’s urgency to grab everyone’s attention at the event was uncomfortable to watch. Her need to bring Robyn into the announcement was uncalled-for. According to SecondChances0701, it’s likely that Mykelti “purposefully rubs [her relationship with Robyn in]…Christine’s face. Mykelti is not sensitive to Christine’s feelings at all. She just does things impulsively and blurts things out without thinking. So maybe it is a test to see if Christine loves her or something.”

Mykelti’s life hasn’t been easy in a large plural family, but she’s had a better relationship with her father and Robyn than many of her other siblings. In recent episodes of Sister Wives season 18, it’s become clear that many of the Brown children aren’t finding themselves having a meaningful relationship with Kody in their adult lives. It comes across as confusing, and she consistently brings them up in an equal manner to Christine, who’s been involved in Mykelti’s life, when Kody and Robyn have been absent. While she may be hoping to keep the connection for her children, it’s baffling.

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Mykelti, despite facing many of the issues that her siblings did in their youth, has decided to put the past aside and forge a relationship with Kody and Robyn. The fact that she’s able to make a relationship with them work leads to speculation that she’s just as self-centered as Kody, if not more. While Mykelti may not be the most self-centered member of the Brown family, she’s got some of the more self-absorbed tendencies that’s apparent with Kody and Robyn. Hopefully, Mykelti can forge a different path than her challenging father.

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