Kody Brown On Why He Didn’t Want More Kids With Meri

Kody Brown watched three of his four marriages dissolve on Sister Wives over the last year. Now that he is down to one wife left, he continues to throw shade at his now ex-wives. Meri is now, one of his targets. Kody shared why he is glad the two of them didn’t have any more kids over the years.

Here is what Kody had to say about Meri and their marriage.

Kody Brown glad he didn’t have more kids with Meri Brown

Kody Brown said that he is glad that he and Meri Brown didn’t have more kids in their marriage. He said this on the December 24 episode of the Sister Wives special episode, titled Sister Wives Special: Look Back, Where We Started. Kody said that the kids wouldn’t have been in a good spot if they had more kids.

Kody Brown and Meri Brown / YouTube

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Meri said that it freaked her out to go through all that again because she said she would love to have another baby. She also said that Kody was on board for having another baby at the time. She said they felt they would be happy when they were in their elder years to know that they did the IVF to have another kid.

Kody Brown and Meri had different outlooks on the baby now

When they looked back at the footage of them talking about getting IVF and having another baby in 2012, Kody Brown no longer felt he wanted it. He said that he would have wanted the baby “if it just happened” but he said that he wasn’t “burning in my gut to do it.”

Meri Brown / YouTube

However, unlike Kody, Meri said that she wanted to have more than one child. It took them five years to have Leon and she suffered from fertility issues her entire life. The miscarriage was before they decided to look into IVF. She also said that she saw three 15-year-olds hanging out and she smiled because that is how old she and Kody’s child would be if she had not miscarried.

What are your thoughts on Kody Brown and Meri’s inability to have a second child and Kody’s comments on it now? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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