90 Day Fiance

Sarper Gives Awful Advice Online

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way’s Sarper doles out awful advice online. We met Sarper Güven on The Other Way spinoff, and he immediately didn’t vibe with fans of the show. He is with American Shekinah Garner, and the two come across as an odd match. He actually comes across like one of those greasy dating coaches that used to be a thing in the late 90’s and early 00’s. What’s even better than that is his Instagram and how he claims he is a dating coach—warning: major cringe incoming.

First off, can we just take a moment to appreciate just how many hashtags this dude uses? You will see in the post below that he is trying REALLY HARD to go viral with his advice. To that end, he has roughly 36 hashtags per post he does. Any variation of “relationship” he can use, he uses.

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way’s Sarper Gives Awful Advice About Relationships Online

First things first. The man must own all of 2 shirts, because any chance he has he is going shirtless. Next up is the simple fact that he tells the women to change and basically work “with” the bad boy to reform them. To say that is an archaic way to look at genders is undermining just how bad it really is. But what most people with common sense notice is just how bland and generic the advice is. It is always aimed around “the bad boy” and it all just feels very weird and outdated.

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Also, taking advice from a 43-year-old guy who seemingly can’t keep a woman says a lot, too. 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way’s Sarper doles out awful advice online. Safe to say he is speaking to a particular type of man. The guys who still use Axe Body Spray and go to strip clubs at 43 years old.

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