90 Day Fiance

‘LPBW’ Tori Roloff Drowns In Overwhelming Guilt

Tori Roloff of TLC’s Little People, Big World took to her Instagram Stories to vent to her followers recently. She reveals she had a rough day with her children. She had just put everyone to bed. And, she was drowning in overwhelming guilt. What exactly did Tori Roloff say about the guilt she was feeling? Did she share why she had a bad day? Keep reading for the details.

Tori Roloff Drowns In Overwhelming Guilt

Zach Roloff’s wife Tori shares that parenting is not a job for the faint of heart. In fact, she found herself really struggling to handle her children recently.

Tori Roloff photo from Instagram
Tori Roloff photo from Instagram

She did not share the details, but she felt like a failure at the end of the day. Taking a second look at the way things happened, Tori realizes she could have handled certain things better.

Parenting is hard sometimes and I feel like I could’ve done tonight so much better. It’s hard putting your kids to bed after a frustrating evening. I have such guilt and just want to go wake them all up and cuddle them.

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Tori Roloff proceeded to acknowledge that waking her children up for cuddles would not set her up for a successful tomorrow. So, fans can only assume she let her children sleeping. She did acknowledge that tomorrow was “a new day”

She thanked God for his grace. She thanked her family for forgiving her for not being perfect. Finally, she thanked her husband Zach for being her rock. With this statement, Tori included a beautiful photo of herself with her husband.

Check out the emotional photo she shared on her Instagram Stories below:

Tori Roloff - Instagram
Tori Roloff – Instagram

At the end of the day, Tori Roloff doesn’t get a lot of love from LPBW fans when she complains about her struggles with her children. On Reddit fans constantly point out that Tori and Zach actively decided to have three children so close together in age. So, fans agree she has no one but herself to blame for how difficult taking care of three young children can be.

Likewise, fans also agree that Tori Roloff is a lot more well-off financially than other parents. Furthermore, she has a lot of family members who are happy to help with the kids if she needs a break. So, most fans have a hard time finding a lot of sympathy for her when she complains about parenting being hard.

Tori Roloff with Zach and Kids YouTube, TLC
Tori Roloff with Zach and Kids YouTube, TLC

Not everyone was out to hate on Tori and her family, however, there are plenty of parents who follow her and find these types of posts to be relatable.

What do you think happened with Tori Roloff and her children that made her feel this way this evening? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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