‘7 Little Johnstons:’ Liz Johnston Due Date Revealed

Big news for TLC’s 7 Little Johnstons fans — Liz Johnston and Brice Bolden have finally confirmed their due date. Turns out, that the due date is fast approaching. Very soon there will be a new addition to the 7 Little Johnstons family. Furthermore, very soon Amber and Trent Johnston will become first-time grandparents. Just when is their due date and where did Liz Johnston confirm this exciting news? Keep reading for all the details.

Liz Johnston And Brice Bolden Pregnant

It was about a month ago, toward the end of September, that Liz Johnston and Brice Bolden took to Instagram with some exciting news. They were pregnant. At the time, they confirmed their child would come into the world in November 2023. They, however, did not get more specific about the exact due date.

Liz Johnston - YouTube
Liz Johnston – YouTube

Due Date Finally Revealed

As information continues to come spilling out about Liz and Brice’s upcoming bundle of joy, fans were left with one big question. What was Liz Johnston’s due date? Fortunately, Liz took to Instagram in the past 24 hours and spilled the beans. Finally, she revealed something a little more concrete about WHEN during the month of November she would be giving birth.

Liz Johnston - Instagram
Liz Johnston – Instagram
Her post revealed there would just be another two weeks before she gave birth. Looking at a calendar, that puts Liz Johnston’s due date during the very first week of November. So, fans suspect her due date is somewhere between November 1st and November 4th. Her exciting new update came attached to a black-and-white photo of herself and Brice. Both Liz and Brice had their hands resting on her baby bump with huge smiles on their faces.

Check out the photo she posted to her Instagram Stories confirming this information:

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Elizabeth Johnston - Instagram Stories
Instagram Stories

News of Liz Johnston’s pregnancy came as a shock to TLC fans. It, however, wasn’t a complete blindside as she and Brice were living together. Moreover, they had been dating for a long time. Many fans, however, assumed they would get married before they started having children. Given Liz Johnston is now carrying his child, fans suspect wedding bells are likely in the future.

Are you looking forward to the birth of Liz Johnston’s baby? Do you also think the baby is a girl? Moreover, do you agree it looks like her due date is shortly after Halloween? Share your thoughts in the comments

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