Bill Klein Shares Why Food Network Spin-Off Is Not Happening

TLC’s The Little Couple alum Bill Klein broke some hearts on Instagram recently. Sadly, he shared that those hoping for his family to return to television would need to continue holding their breath as the Food Network was not the way back to television.

Why wasn’t a Food Network spin-off in the cards for Bill Klein? Plus, what else has he been up to lately? Keep reading for an update!

He Doesn’t Post Often On Social Media

Bill Klein of TLC’s The Little Couple has significantly fewer followers than his wife Jen Arnold on Instagram. That, however, may be partly because he is also significantly less active than she is.

Before his update on a potential Food Network spin-off, his last post was from the middle of November (nearly a month ago). The post was in celebration of National Adoption Day. His post included a cluster of photos featuring himself with his beautiful children.

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Bill Klein - Instagram
Bill Klein – Instagram

He penned in the caption attached to the beautiful post: “Happy #nationaladoptionday … changed my life for the better in ways I could never describe to another human. Grateful for every day @jenarnoldmd and I have had to be these twos parents. Excited where they will go, what they will do…”

Bill Klein Shares Why Food Network Spin-Off Is Not Happening

Bill Klein took to Instagram over the weekend with a rare post for his followers. The post included a bizarre photo that looked to be three plates covered by aluminum foil. He, however, playfully admitted that the foil was hiding the evidence not protecting delicious sweets from the environment.

Bill Klein - The Little Couple - Instagram
Bill Klein – The Little Couple – Instagram

He jested in the caption: “Okay. This is why I don’t have a spinoff on @foodnetwork within these 3 sarcophagi lie desserts unfit for a dead man. I’d offer samples if I had the liability insurance to cover the experience. #betterlucknextyear #idontneedcookiesanyway #hashtagsRstupid #helpme @jenarnoldmd #youremyonlyhope.”

In hashtags, he jokingly admitted that his wife Jen Arnold was “his only help” to have any edible food.

Fans Wanted To See The Mess

In response to the post, one fan joked that unless he takes off the foil and shows the mess it never happened. Many others chimed in admitting that the desserts couldn’t be that bad and they wanted to see what he had hiding under the foil.

The Little Couple Jen Arnold Bill Klein, Zoey and Will - Instagram
The Little Couple Jen Arnold Bill Klein, Zoey and Will – Instagram

One of his followers added that looks don’t matter if the desserts taste alright. Unfortunately, his post suggested they may have not tasted right either.

Do you wish Bill Klein would have shown fans what he was hiding under the foil? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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