5 Reasons Why Audrey Roloff Fell Out Of Favor With LPBW Fans

5 Reasons Why Audrey Roloff Fell Out Of Favor With LPBW Fans

Little People, Big World celeb Audrey Roloff frequently gets shade over her social media posts. Now, the show’s fans think that she’s gone too far.

Audrey Roloff has quickly become one of the most disliked cast members from Little People, Big World, for five good reasons. Even though she’s no longer on the show, she remains in the spotlight. Fans don’t have a shortage of reasons to be irritated with the former reality star.

Little People, Big World’s Audrey Roloff isn’t afraid to speak her mind, even amid criticism and judgment. She frequently uses her social media presence to share her thoughts, give updates about her life, and interact with her followers. Audrey sometimes doesn’t know how to handle the backlash that she receives, but it hasn’t pushed her away from the keyboard. However, some fans would love it if she took a break. Now, it’s time to take a look at five reasons why Audrey rubs fans the wrong way.

5Little People, Big World Fans Think Audrey Roloff Is Too Competitive

Tori and Audrey Roloff from Little People, Big World smiling together in front of trees

Some people who follow the show think that Audrey and her sister-in-law, Little People, Big World’ star Tori Roloff, do not get along. The two women used to have a close relationship, but since there has been feuding over Roloff Farms, nothing has been the same for them. Audrey and Tori have dedicated followings on social media, and they use their platforms to share their behind the scenes moments.

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Fans feel that Audrey exhibits a mean girl persona which has become a big turn-off, while Tori has always come off as the relatable girl next door. Reddit user Ambitious-End-1066 started a thread on Reddit, which discussed Audrey’s tendency to try and appear better than everyone else, and her constant need to show off. One fan commented on the Audrey-centered thread, “Her whole personality is one-upping others. It’s just more obvious when she does it with family members.”

4Little People, Big World Fans Think Audrey Roloff’s Out Of Touch

When Audrey announced that she and her husband Jeremy Roloff were surprising their children with a trip to Disneyland, she didn’t get the reaction she was expecting. The reality star is very vocal about her faith and Christian beliefs, so when she seemingly supported a business that fans felt did the opposite, they didn’t hesitate to call her out. Audrey revealed that she was criticized for going to the happiest place on earth. She seemed genuinely surprised and frustrated by the negative feedback that came her way.

In response to the outrage, Audrey made a video featuring screenshots of the comments about her family vacation. The remarks all mentioned Audrey’s Christianity, and her lack of proper research before visiting the theme park. However, the bigger issue with most of her followers wasn’t actually the fact that she went to Disneyland. Little People, Big World fans felt that she was putting Christianity in a bad light by highlighting the negative response she received. One fan commented on her post, “Way to encourage people to hate on Christians and cause more division. Super disappointed in this post.”

Audrey Roloff from Little People, Big World smiling with hair over one eye

Fans are fed up with Audrey’s bragging, and her social media posts, where she masquerades as a relatable person. The mother of three uses her online presence to talk about her experience with motherhood, and the challenges that come along with it. However, Little People, Big World fans don’t think her intent is to connect with others and find common ground. Instead, they feel that she is using moments from her life to subtly make herself look good.

Reddit users didn’t hesitate to vent their frustrations over her attention-seeking ways. A thread was started by realitytvaddict22, pointing out Audrey’s tone-deaf Instagram posts. A screenshot from one of Audrey’s perfectly curated Instagram stories showed her cuddling with her three children, and sitting by a fire while reading a book. As part of a Monday Q&A session, Audrey received a question asking what she thought was a misconception about herself. Reality star Audrey responded, “That I am good at balancing all things. I am not.”

Little People, Big World fans felt that this was an attempt to show off, while trying not to be blatantly obvious. A Reddit user commented on the thread, “Ah, the humblebrag. I see what you are doing, Audrey.” Other fans in the thread couldn’t help but agree, and were annoyed by her not-so-cleverly disguised backhanded compliments.

2Little People, Big World Fans Are Over Audrey Roloff’s Privileged Attitude

Little People, Big World fans aren’t quiet about the fact that they think Audrey is exhausting. Even though she doesn’t necessarily like having all of her choices and decisions put under a microscope, it doesn’t deter her from sharing a lot of details about her life. Whether Audrey is posting about a two-week family camping trip, or capturing memories on their expansive property, Audrey highlights every moment for all of her followers.

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While it is great that she and Jeremy can enjoy fun-filled adventures with their children, fans don’t think she understands that she’s privileged because she has enough money to do such things. Reddit user panv133 posted a thread on Reddit, discussing their frustration with Audrey’s entitled posts. They shared a screenshot from one of Audrey’s Instagram stories, sharing the details of her Roloff family’s trip to Maui, and explaining that they try to stay for a couple of weeks each time they visit. The user wrote, “Audrey, with the relatable content…how many families are making multiple trips to Maui for weeks at a time?”

1Little People, Big World Fans Don’t Want Audrey Roloff’s Unsolicited Sales

Audrey doesn’t miss a chance to share her personal life-changing experiences with essential oils. She frequently posts about the benefits, as well as tips and advice, such as how to use them. When she and her family moved into a new home that required renovations and some extra TLC, she didn’t hesitate to put an essential oil diffuser in every room. Fans are sick of Audrey’s whining about her fixer-upper, and how she plans to improve the home.

Her followers also worry about the side effects (such as potential health risks) that the oils could have on her children. as well as the family pets. Audrey received numerous comments on her post, which warned her about possible issues. One fan commented, “Do you ever do anything authentically, Audrey? This isn’t even good information.”

The Little People, Big World star not only vouches for the difference that essential oils make in her home, and for her family, but she also sells the products. The reality star frequently shares discount codes and links to all the oils that she recommends. Fans are tired of Audrey’s dangerous advice. She is constantly plugging these products, and convincing others to join what they consider to be a pyramid scheme.

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